Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week
Woodland Fairy

Thursday, May 26, 2011

High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography

So just what is HDR photography and why does it look more like a painting than a photograph? 

Well, here's the scoop....The human eye is capable of seeing a much wider range of light and dark than the camera lense (even the really good/expenseive ones do not measure up to the human eye), so photographs that record scenes with exteme range variances cannot fully convey the true picture.  If the photo is properly exposed for the bright light outside the window, then the detail in the shadows will be lost.  Conversley, if we expose to pull out the details in the shadow areas of the scene, the highlights will be overexposed and all detail will be lost on that end of the spectrum.  The solution?  Multiple exposures overlayed to produce a picture that is properly exposed at both ends of the spectrum with no lost detail.  The final result has much more depth than a traditional photograph and therefore takes on a surreal look that surpasses the tradtional photograph we are used to seeing.  HDR photography is not new, it was around in the good old days of film, however it is much more commonly used today as digital photography and cost effective software solutions have made the process of merging multiple photographs as easy as 1-2-3.  The trick to a great HDR photograph is conservatisim.  These photos are such a joy to work with, and the results are so dynamic (no pun intended), that it's easy to get carried away and overprocess.  To sum it up - HDR photography rocks - so grab your camera and go have some fun.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rain rain go away.....

Well, here we are in mid May 2011 and it's raining - again!  I am just waiting for a nice day to try out some back lighting shots.  In the meantime, back to Easter.  Yes I am still working on the Easter pictures for 2011.  This weekend - big push to get it done.  In the meantime, enjoy the sample pics posted here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Short & Sweet - no rest for the wicked

I'm pretty sure I must be wicked because I never have enough time for everything I need or want to do - anyway here's today's post.....NEW BABY IN THE HOUSE - enough said?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thought for the day

So I was wondering...if you write a blog, which is nothing more than written conversation, and you have no followers, is that the same as talking to yourself?  So please, please, please...if you are reading this could you sign up to follow my blog?  I will work hard to keep everyone up to date on upcoming photo shoot specials, and for those of you who are do it yourselfer's (bet that's not spelt right), I intend to add tutorials and free digital templates that you can use in your own photo designs - why should I have all the fun?  See pic of the day for an example of creative effects that can enhance digital photography.
Bye for now

Monday, May 9, 2011

Long time no post....ooops!

Turns out the whole blogging idea isn't working out too well with my super busy schedule - sorry about that folks, I will try and do better in the future.  Well, spring has finally sprung however it's anything but cheery - dull bleak rainy days with lower than average temperatures have left everyone feeling a bit down.  I did manage to get out for a Sunday afternoon at Webster Falls back in late March and that was fun.  Best part of the day was when I unexpectedly ran into a couple who were in the process of getting engaged.  I knew something was up when I saw the man down on one knee and the girl smiling.  Check out the pictures I was able to take to help them commemorate that special moment.  Then, in April I hosted an Easter photo session with live chicks in my home.  That was a blast - lots of young children and 13 baby chicks made for an interesting and busy photo shoot - still working on the post processing for those pictures.  They turned out awesome!!!! At least I think so.  Well, that's all for now - it's Friday and I'm off to work on my pictures yet again.