Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week
Woodland Fairy

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Darkroom Fever

No pictures yet - just wanted to share what's to come.   This weekend I was fortunate enough to acquire a medium format camera body/back - it's an oldy...takes film, not digital so now I need to learn how to develop pictures.  All the developing gear came with the camera so there is nothing holding me back now except time and space.  A hugh thank you to Eunice for allowing me to carry the torch.  I hope I can learn this new format and take my photography to a new level.  In today's high tech digital age going old school and producing film prints is somewhat novel.  My kids are rolling their eyes again....Mom found yet another way to ignore them....sorry guys, I love you but I can't help myself.  If you would just agree to model for me we could spend more time together. 

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